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Chinese translation for "bagging method"


Related Translations:
bag tieline:  囊尾束网
storage bag:  贮藏袋
desiccant bag:  装干燥剂袋
breathing bag:  呼吸背囊呼吸袋氧气囊
leg bag:  附腿尿袋
pencil bag:  布质铅笔盒文具包
sport bag:  运动包
periodontal bag:  牙周袋
bag lanyard:  水手袋系绳
straw bag:  草袋稻草包划袋
Example Sentences:
1.Air quality . determination of odor . triangle odor bag method
2.The humification cofficient of the wheat straw determined with the nylon bag method was 12 . 25 %
用锦纶袋法测定小麦秸秆在潮土中的腐殖化系数为12 . 25 % 。
3.F33 , f37 , lhf series bag method dust catcher with wet method or dry method fit for ministry of dust removing and environmental protection
F33 f37 lhf系列干法湿法布袋除尘器主要用于除尘环保等工部
4.By using three point - comparative collecting bag method to monitor maloder , the factors influencing the monitoring result are analysed and countermeasures are presented in this paper
5.Test methods for microbiological monitoring of water used for processing electron and microelectronic devices by direct pressure tap sampling valve and by the presterilized plastic bag method
6.These results were consistent with results assessed by using common methods in the same forests , indicating that ion - exchange resin bags method is one of the effective methods to estimate soil no3 - - n dynamics
7.Dynamics of soil no3 - - n and its response to n additions in the major forests ( pine , mixed and monsoon evergreen broadleaf forests ) of dinghushan biosphere reserve were studied by using ion - exchange resin bags method
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